Our Mission
Economic Development For All
The Mon Metro Chamber of Commerce (MMCC) is a neighborhood hub of connection, resources, skill building and partnership. The MMCC is a membership organization that supports businesses, entrepreneurship with a focus on young entrepreneurs, nonprofits and the people who engage with these entities.
Sustainability and Equality
The MMCC is based on the aspiration and vision that a chamber of commerce can uplift a business community while, from the beginning, incorporate social, racial, environmental and economic justice into its entire operating structure. The design and operations of the chamber are intended to create systems change focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals of: ending poverty; quality education; gender equality; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; peace, justice and strong institutions; and partnerships for the goals. The chamber itself will example these goals while also building scaffolding for local businesses and nonprofits to create a community ecosystem working towards each of these goals.
Our Values
The MMCC is an outward facing membership organization that promotes its membership to the greater region and touring visitors. The MMCC works to build systems for participating businesses and nonprofits to share human resources in efficient ways while hiring local operators with competitive wages (e.g. snow removal, maintenance, food services, bookkeeping, etc.)
Resource & Skill Building
The MMCC hosts skill building workshops and provides mentorships to its member organizations and participating young people while gathering regional and national business opportunities and resources to make them available to the MMCC community. The MMCC has a clear focus on supportive and trauma informed skill/job development for young people to support their entrepreneurial ideas, economic well being, job readiness while helping local businesses build infrastructure to hire locally.
The MMCC is an essential conduit for building meaningful partnerships, internships and apprenticeships between the social service sector, business, and young people throughout our neighborhood in order to expand educational and employment opportunities; create more equity by expanding opportunities for sharing and access to resources - ensuring that residents of the community lead and grow with economic development. The MMCC emphasizes social responsibility and the potential for businesses to have community impact by building a scaffolding for businesses, social services and young people to create mutually beneficial job training partnerships, scholarships and ongoing employment opportunities.
the Community
The MMCC will create a social, environmental and economic responsibility rating system that will uplift both businesses and nonprofits that participate while establishing active community agreements that work toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The MMCC will develop a menu of options for how businesses can participate in the community in impactful ways. These opportunities stem from teen job readiness and meaningful job skill development. The menu allows for non-profit organizations to share their expertise in youth development, community building, culture and trauma informed support with businesses and for businesses to engage in community defined social responsibility with all of the tools they need.